Thursday, June 14, 2012

excuse me

Well, I've been on a bit of a hiatus from the free blog world. In some regards, as an attempt to gather my thoughts and clear my mind of clutter and garbage. And also, to try and determine a direction I want my life to go. I've had a bit of a struggle go on within myself, as I try and find out what truly is important to me and in this world. Many, have their own opinions and beliefs. They'll fight to make theirs yours, and blindly suggest that any opposed thought, or one that does not coincide with there own is blasphemy. And many people have valid points of views and although many I share, I still hear the contradictions and fear that wasted time and effort on such things may distract me from the truth. Many simple talk to much to actually hear the truth and to hear the answer that goes without saying.
Life is truly too short to concern yourself with foolishness, and at the drop of a hat, your life can abruptly and suddenly stop and change. And that to me means that you should be realistic with yourself, and not perpetuate the immoralities and delusions of others just to fit within the parameters of society. Because, if there is one truism, it would be that ,"you came into this world by yourself and that is how you'll leave." And at some point you will be held accountable for the things you were apart of, which could be the final determination of blissfulness or a tormented soul.
I'm sorry for going H.A.M. This is just something I had to get out, and I truly wish all happiness, and peace.

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