Saturday, April 7, 2012

Just a thought

I'm siting here in front of this computer,and I'm thinking to myself... I'm thinking about life and what it means to me and what it possibly means to everyone else. How is it that certain things become important to others and not to some? And how desperately we try to make the ones closes to us, feel what it is we love. Why do some of us become the most honest people in the world, while others become the most manipulating type of person they can be... What makes you, you... And what makes me, me...
I can attribute a lot of things to the way that we were raised, and the experiences that we have. I can remember specific events in my life that shape a thought process in a positive or negative way. And yet, someone can experience the same exact event and take it, in a completely opposite way.
 I can reduce most of the way I am down to my size and the fact I've been the largest person in my age group since sixth grade. Because of how people per-sieved me and how they reacted towards me. I can remember when I decided that I was not going to take advantage of it. That everything I do was going to be the opposite of what someone, who is a complete stranger would expect of me. And, to my surprise,  I would find out that people who claim to know me, would find my behavior unexpected as well. just a thought...

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