Sunday, October 26, 2014

Accomplishing goals

As I try and discover and rediscover myself and my dreams, my strengths, my gifts,  my purpose. I'm going to do the I do as a child that brought me joy. Today's goal,  "draw something"

Saturday, October 25, 2014


As i get ready to settle in for the night, and i reflect of the day. I accomplished my first day with a limited amount od sugar,  that was basically all fruit and a beautiful salad of fresh raw vegetables.  And i washed it all down with mango andnginger water.
I, however,  have been dealing with alot of pain in my foot. The pain seems to be located in the joint where my big toe connects to my foot. I'm wondering if its a acromegaly thing being that its a joint and i honesty didn't do anything to cause it.
I am alittle worried because i am trying to get a new job, and this job depends alot on me being able to run and work out and as of right now, i really can't do so.
But,  I'm going to remain positive and remember that something wonderful is going to happen to me soon. I just have to think positively and keep working at it.